The Lord Jesus will return to earth again;
however, when He comes, will He find faith on the earth? The time of the end is
nearer than you imagine. This book will encourage and strengthen believers who
are determined to get into heaven using the righteous path. Catastrophes have
plagued this earth from the very commencement of time, however, nearer to the
coming of Jesus Christ there will be disasters that have never been viewed
before. You must be aware this is simply the beginning of sorrows. This volume will
give you visions of the end time, and how they are true prophetic visions. As
the author witnessed them, thus he wrote them down. Greek and Norse Mythology
is also documented, and the mystery of them is exposed. Are you someone who
wants to learn how such a catastrophic time will unfold? Then, read this book
and see for yourself.
The Coming Catastrophe (Biblical Study)
“The Beginning of Sorrows”
By Paul A. Lynch
Revival Waves of Glory Books & Publishing
ISBN 978-1684111695
Price $17.99 (paperback)
292 Pages
Rating 5-Stars
“For Christian & Non-Believers.”
This is a Bible study for everyone, aimed at
leading Christians closer to Jesus, while hoping to bring unbelievers to a
saving knowledge of our Lord. Yes, the author touches on the prophesies of the end
time, and the coming tribulation on the world, and the terrible catastrophes
that will strike during that period, but he doesn’t delve on that subject for
long. As many will recall The Late Great
Planet Earth by Hal Lindsay in 1970 that opened a lot of eyes to the end
time catastrophes, the author doesn’t repeat that book. Instead, the aim here
to understand God’s plan for his elect, and what we must do to be more faithful
to Him. None know the day or hour of His coming, but we are to watch for signs,
and I believe the first trumpet has already sounded over Israel, so the
beginning may already be here. Whether this is true or not, we certainly can’t
afford to let down our guard. The Lord will return on the seventh trumpet, and
we’d better be ready. I highly recommend this book for Christian readers, and
especially nonbelievers, for there is still time until that seventh trumpet has
Tom Johnson