My Blog

Retirement. Publishers, thank you for the many years of reading pleasure you gave me, but all good things must come to an end. Due to failing eyesight I am forced to retire. I can no longer review your books, and any that you send will be donated to the local library, unread. Do not send any more. I can only read for a couple hours every day, and this does not allow me to finish a book in reasonable time. I will be devoting time to my own books from now on, and reading on a personal level. Books that interest me. I prefer paperbacks and hardbacks, not eBooks. My eyesight has been failing the last few years, and I cannot handle hundreds of review books any more. My books are still available for review. Anyone interested in reviewing any of them, they are found in the Link to Tom’s Books On Amazon. Contact me for pdf copies at

Showing posts with label Research Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Research Books. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pulp Research Books

Pulp Research Books
Many research books were written in the early days of pulp fandom. There are too many books on science fiction to attempt to list, so I’ve limited this one to the lesser-covered pulps. I know I am overlooking many fine books. Nor does this list cover the area of comic books! If you see something that I should have listed, please contact me at Following is a short list:
The Secret Agent “X” Companion by Tom Johnson & Will Murray (Altus Press)
Operator #5: The History of the Purple Wars by Harrison Stievers (Tom Johnson) from Altus Press
The Phantom Detective Companion by Tom Johnson (Altus Press)
G-Man Companion by Tom Johnson (Altus Press)
The Black Bat Companion by Tom Johnson (Altus Press)
From Shadow to Superman (The Belmont Shadows of the 1960s) by Tom Johnson (Fading Shadows, Inc.)
“The Green Ghost” (And Other Articles) by Tom Johnson (Fading Shadows, Inc.)
Twenty Years of Murder by Don Hutchison
Dime Detective Companion by James L. Traylor (Altus Press)
The Pulp Hero by Nick Carr (Wild Cat Books)
Master of the Pulps by Nick Carr (Wild Cat Books)
America’s Secret Service Ace (Operator #5) by Nick Carr (Weinberg’s Pulp Classics)
The Flying Spy (G-8) by Nick Carr (Weinberg’s Pulp Classics)
The Other Detective Pulp Heroes by Nick Carr
The Western Pulp Hero by Nick Carr
The Amazing Pulp Heroes by Frank Hamilton & Link Hullar
Daring Adventurers by Rick Lai (Altus Press)
Criminal Masterminds by Rick Lai (Altus Press)
Chronology of Shadows (The Shadow) by Rick Lai
Chronology of Bronze (Doc Savage) by Rick Lai (Altus Press)
Gangland’s Doom by Frank Eisgruber, Jr. (Altus Press)
The Spider by Robert Sampson
Deadly Excitements by Robert Sampson
Yesterday’s Faces (set of volumes) by Robert Sampson
The Western Pulps by John Dinan
Sports in the Pulp Magazines by John Dinan
Adventure by Robert Kenneth Jones
The Gray Nemesis (The Avenger) by Howard Hopkins (Golden Perils)
Pulp Man’s Odyssey (On Hugh Cave) by Audrey Parente
Horrors and Unpleasantries (The Horror Genre) by Sheldon Jaffery
Lester Dent: The Man, His Craft and His Market by Martin Laird
Danger Is My Business: An Illustrated History of the Pulp Magazines by Lee Server
The Shadow Scarpbook by Walter Gibson
Duende: The History of the Shadow by Will Murray
Writings in Bronze by Will Murray
Wordslinger: An Epitaph For The Western by Will Murray
Doc Savage: Arch Enemy of Evil: Pulp & Reprint History by Larry Widen & Chris Miracle
Captain Future Handbook by Chuck Juzek (Wild Cat Books)
Pulp Magazines: An Informal History by Ron Goulart (Ace Paperbacks)
Detective and Mystery Fiction: An International Bibliography of Secondary Sources by Walter Albert (Brownstone Books)
Mystery, Detective and Espionage Magazines by Michael L. Cook (Greenwood Press)
Monthly Murders Complied By Michael L. Cook (Greenwood Press)
Hero Pulp Reprint Index by Bill Thom (Fading Shadows)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tom's Pulp Research Books

One of the most beloved pulp characters, The Black Bat, is finally celebrated with this 340 page deluxe retrospective from Amazon and Altus Press  for $29.95. Author Tom Johnson has indexed each issue, listing everything you need to know about the series, along with the following highlights:
   A complete reprint of the rejected Black Bat adventure, "The Lady's Out for Blood"
   A breakdown of the newly-discovered final Black Bat story, "The Celebrity Murders"
   All 800 German Black Bat stories newly identified for the english audience
   Nine complete reprints of the Black Bat's golden Age comic book stories
   An interview with series creator Norman Daniels as well as his complete payment records... available here for the first time 
   Featuring additional articles by Will Murray, this is the ultimate history of the series.

For nearly 20 years, Dan Fowler and his G-men battled crimedom in the pages of G-MEN DETECTIVE. Now, author Tom Johnson has indexed each issue, listing everything you need to know about the series. Also included are complete reprints of the two best Dan Fowler stories as chosen by Johnson and pulp historian Will Murray: "Give 'Em Hell" by Norvell W. Page and "Bullet Justice" by Charles Greenberg. And reprinted in its entirety for the first time: "I Cover the Murder Front," the lost, rejected Dan Fowler story.
Featuring additional articles by Tom Johnson and Will Murray, this is the ultimate history of the series. 414 pages, $34.95 from Amazon and Altus Press

The entire history of The Purple Invasion by Harrison Stievers (Tom Johnson), the War and Peace of the pulps which ran for over a year in the pages of OPERATOR #5! Loaded with illustrations from the original pulps; 129 pages. $14.95 from Amazon and Altus Press at

The longest-running hero of the pulp era! For the first time, the history of the Phantom Detective is bought under one volume, completely updated! Includes an index to nearly 175 stories, 100s of pages of articles, two unused Phantom story plots from the mid-1930s and nearly all of the Phantom’s comic book appearances. It’s 400 pages of must-own information for any pulp fan to enjoy.  $29.95 from Amazon and Altus Press

The classic investigation of SECRET AGENT "X," revised and updated by the original writers, Tom Johnson and Will Murray, including new chapters, images and information! It's the last word on this classic character! 157 pages, 6" x 9", perfect binding, black and white interior ink  $14.95 from Amazon and Altus Press at