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Retirement. Publishers, thank you for the many years of reading pleasure you gave me, but all good things must come to an end. Due to failing eyesight I am forced to retire. I can no longer review your books, and any that you send will be donated to the local library, unread. Do not send any more. I can only read for a couple hours every day, and this does not allow me to finish a book in reasonable time. I will be devoting time to my own books from now on, and reading on a personal level. Books that interest me. I prefer paperbacks and hardbacks, not eBooks. My eyesight has been failing the last few years, and I cannot handle hundreds of review books any more. My books are still available for review. Anyone interested in reviewing any of them, they are found in the Link to Tom’s Books On Amazon. Contact me for pdf copies at

Saturday, January 24, 2015

I Will Have Vengeance

I Will Have Vengeance (Mystery)
By Maurizio De Giovanni
ISBN #978-1609450946
Europa Editions
Price $12.60
216 Pages
Rating 5-Stars

“A Page Turner!”

It’s 1931 in Naples, Italy, and the great opera tenor, Arnaldo Vezzi is murdered in his dressing room minutes before performing. Luigi Alfredo Ricciardi, Commissario of Public Safety in the Mobile Squad, Royal Police Headquarters, and his partner, Brigadier Raffaele Maione are assigned the investigation. The murderer could have been anyone in the cast or stage crew, and it’s up to the investigators to unravel the mystery. Ricciardi is cursed with second sight, and sees the ghost of victims at the point of their death, and hears their final words. Usually misleading, but he must figure out what it means. In this case it is an aria the victim sings.

This is actually the first in the series about Commissario Ricciardi, so I am already familiar with the main characters.  But the mystery is topnotch, and the characters come alive. The reader doesn’t want to put the book down, and it is a page-turner. Basically, the story introduces the main characters we will be seeing more of in future stories. One is mentioned, but we don’t meet him/her yet; we will in the second novel. There are no exciting action scenes, but they are not needed in this brilliant new mystery series. Highly recommended for readers who love a good plot, and interesting characters.

Tom Johnson

Detective Mystery Stories

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