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Retirement. Publishers, thank you for the many years of reading pleasure you gave me, but all good things must come to an end. Due to failing eyesight I am forced to retire. I can no longer review your books, and any that you send will be donated to the local library, unread. Do not send any more. I can only read for a couple hours every day, and this does not allow me to finish a book in reasonable time. I will be devoting time to my own books from now on, and reading on a personal level. Books that interest me. I prefer paperbacks and hardbacks, not eBooks. My eyesight has been failing the last few years, and I cannot handle hundreds of review books any more. My books are still available for review. Anyone interested in reviewing any of them, they are found in the Link to Tom’s Books On Amazon. Contact me for pdf copies at

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sting of The Scorpion

Sting of The Scorpion
By Warren Stockholm
ISBN #978-0-97679143-0
103 Pages
Price $9.99
September 2006
Rating: 5-Stars

Steeltown, Penssylvania. In this alternate universe, the Germans won WWII, but after forty years of occupation, they’ve been driven from America. Five years later, we are living in a world of Internet, email, fax machines and speakeasies and mob rule. Out of the chaos rises a paladin to battle the criminal element that the underworld knew only as The Scorpion. But the past has come back to challenge this defender of the city. As a child he was German born, and raised as a superman, one of many clones. And the evil that he must face is one of his own, a brother, and a superman just like him. But he is pure evil.

This was actually conceived as a possible series, as a new pulp magazine, titled SCORPION. This first story was powerful, the concept fantastic, and the action moved at a wonderful pace. The writing is intelligent, but the narrative awkward, switching from 3rd person to 1st person sometimes, plus typos that a proofreader should have caught. A second novel was advertised, The City of The Living Dead, but has not appeared yet. The author pays homage to the old pulps. There is an intersection named Robeson & Gibson Streets, another street is named Stockbridge. A Fortress of Solitude is mentioned, etc.

Besides the very minor flaws in editing mentioned above, this is a wham-bang action novel in the tradition of the old pulps, and the best new character I’ve read in many years.

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