In 2005, Ginger Johnson created the idea of an anthology series titled TALES OF MASKS & MAYHEM, with the intention of self-publishing. We had just ended our long run of fiction titles, and had contact with numerous authors who were writing new pulp hero characters at the time. For Volume One, she selected “Monarch of The Flame Madness” by Maxentius Andor Scarlatti (Steve Mitchell), featuring The Tarantula; “Crimson Harvest” by Therese Drippe & Tom Johnson, featuring The Black Bat from the pulps; “The Grey Monk’s Justice” by John L. French, featuring The Grey Monk; “Lunar League” by Lance Curry, featuring Secret Agent “X” and The Moon Man from the pulps; “Doc Atlas: Gorilla Killer” by Michael A. Black, featuring Doc Atlas; “Hunter’s Moon” by Debra DeLorme and Tom Johnson, featuring The Black Ghost & The Scarecrow; and “The Night Hawk” by Will Murray, featuring The Night Hawk. Tom Johnson wrote an Introduction for the book. It was 440 pages of pulp action. The book was picked up by Mystic Toad Press, and edited by long-time friend, K.G. McAbee. Unfortunately, Mystic Toad Press went out of business soon after publishing the first anthology. The volume was picked up again by Altus Press in 2007. Copies can be purchased from Altus Press or Amazon.com.

In 2006, Ginger Johnson was not without a publisher for the TALES OF MASKS & MAYHEM anthologies, but still had material on hand for a couple more volumes. She decided to self-publish the remaining series if a publisher did not pick them up. For Volume Two she selected “Shadowhawke: First Flight” by K.G. McAbee & Tom Johnson, featuring Shadowhawke; “Wolf’s Clothing” by John L. French, featuring The Grey Monk; “Doc Atlas: Arctic Terror” by Michael A. Black, featuring Doc Atlas; “Midnight Moon” by Terry Nudds, featuring The Moon Man from the pulps; “For The Love of A Child” by Debra DeLorme, featuring The Scarecrow; “The Beginning: A Mr. Minus Story” by Ginger Johnson, featuring Mr. Minus; “The Lady of Death” by G. Wayman Jones (Steve Mitchell), featuring The Black Bat from the pulps; “The China Connection” by Alanna Morgan (Marilyn Morey), featuring The Fox; Tom Johnson provides an Introduction for the volume. It is 399 pages of pulp action. Ginger was unable to find a publisher, so self-published the book through E-Booktime. Print and e-books are available from E-Booktime and Amazon.com.

Following the release of Volume Two, later in 2006 Ginger published Volume Three through E-Booktime. For this volume, she selected “The Cult of The Faceless Fiend” by Tom Powers, featuring The Crimson Bat; “The Face of Chu-Lung by Eric Torowski, featuring Chu-Lung; “Sidewinder” by Debra DeLorme, featuring The Scarecrow; “Death And The Black Ghost” by Tom Johnson, featuring The Black Ghost; “A Taste For Murder” by J. Michael Major, featuring The Black Bat from the pulps; “Souls On Fire” by John L. French, featuring The Grey Monk; “The Dust of Death” by Joel Jenkins, featuring Ell & Adder; “Doc Atlas: The Satan Plague” by Michael A. Black, featuring Doc Atlas; “Mr. Minus Takes A Vacation” by Ginger Johnson, featuring Mr. Minus; “Catch A Falling Star” by Dale Roberts, featuring Mr. Mystery; Interior artwork by Tom Powers, Eric Torowski, Tim Faurote, and David L. Transue. A special cover provided by David L. Transue. There are 391 pages of pulp adventure. Book is available from E-Booktime and Amazon.com.