Sunday, February 14, 2016

WIRE DOG Storybook #3

WIRE DOG Story Book #3: (Children’s Stories)
By Various Authors
Walters Publishing
ISBN #978-1329884427
88 Pages
Price $28.89 (color)
Price $9.95 (b&w)
Rating 5-Stars

“Wonderfully Fun Stories About An Imaginary Dog.”

Created by 9-year old Ellen Walters when her parents wouldn’t let her have a real dog, and she built one out of wire. Her imaginary friend then went on to have many great adventures, which she told her parents. Her dad, David Walters, was so thrilled with the concept, he asked her to write them down. On Father’s Day, she did just that, and the stories have now reached 42, and going strong.

They have been split into three anthologies, #3 just released, containing stories #30 through 42. Now the series is written and illustrated by children and professional writers and artists from around the world. This volume contains stories by Ellen Walters, Ellen “Jill” Thomasson, David Walters, Brady Walters, Donald Sullivan, K.G. “Gail” McAbee, and Tom Johnson. There is art by David Walters, Elena Yalcin, J.A. Johnson, Ellen Walters, Karsten Yawney, Alice Jones, and Travis, Michael, Valerie, and Pauline.

These stories are intended for pre-teen school children, but fun for adults, no matter what age. Most have a moral to teach to children through the eyes of Wire Dog. The main goal is to get the books in classrooms and homes to be read to children, and hopefully inspire them to write and illustrate their very own Wire Dog adventures. Currently, the books are half price on Lulu and should be on Amazon soon. I recommend the color edition, but either is a wonderful book. This is highly recommended to parents, and I hope that everyone will help to spread the word.

Tom Johnson


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