Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Apocalypsis: Season One

Apocalypsis (Thriller)
Season One
By Mario Girodano
Bastei Entertainment
545 Pages
Price $5.99
Rating 4-Stars

“Interesting Story And Characters.”

Based on Catholic belief that in the end times the Anti-Christ will destroy the Holy City in Rome, Franz Laurenz (Pope John Paul III) resigns and goes into hiding knowing the prophesy is coming to pass, and the Apocalypse is upon the world. Peter Adam, a journalist with the Hamburg news magazine, and Loretta Hooper, a reporter with the Washington Post are searching for the missing Franz Laurenz to find out what is going on. People that may know what is happening are being murdered, and Peter Adam is dreaming about a bomb destroying the Holy City.

I received this as an ePub, and not sure if it was just Season 1, or how many seasons. However, it was extremely long with 93 (XCIII) chapters and an Epilogue. Season One has 545 pages, and Season Two has 482 pages. It must have been Season One, but it felt like both seasons. This was an interesting story, with interesting characters. Not being Catholic, maybe I didn’t understand a lot of the religious angle, but the story kept me involved even if it did move slowly. Perhaps the reason for this is that it was written as a serial, and the story is slowly being drawn out. I think it would read better if tightened, and released as a shorter novel instead of in serial format. Still, end of the world enthusiasts should enjoy this thriller set in Rome during the last days.

Tom Johnson
Detective Mystery Stories

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