Thursday, April 24, 2014

Guest Post Rhoda D'Ettore

Goin' Postal & The Creek - Two Books in One

Rhoda D'Ettore is a 15 year veteran of the US Postal Service, and began writing down the crazy things that the public never sees. Things such as human heads in the mail, alligators loose in the building, and the relationships that employees have with each other and management.  She documented this for nostalgia, but when her co-workers read it, they laughed so hard and encouraged her to get published.  Goin' Postal is sure to keep you laughing, without malice toward the USPS or management.

This was originally an ebook, but when she decided to publish a paperback, the author combined it with another story, The Creek: Where Stories of the Past Come Alive. This story has three different stories, with a fourth that ties all of the previous together.

The Creek opens during the Revolutionary War outside of Philadelphia. Weary soldiers row along a waterway until they find a secluded area with a farm house, inhabited by a young woman whose father is fighting in the war.  The Lieutenant soon falls madly in love, but must try to win the war, save his men, and get the girl.

The second part of The Creek takes place in 1918, and a part of the farm was sold.  People from Philadelphia were fleeing the city due to the Influenza Pandemic, and they built summer cottages along the creek. One family owns a brewery and struggles with the pandemic, Prohibition, and the Great Depression.

The third part takes place along the same creek front in 1966 when a teenage boy comes home from school and tells his parents he is joining the US Army. His family is divided on his decision, and the 1960s & 1970s erupt into a chaos of protests, war, assassinations, and more.  This family must do what it can to survive.

The final section of the book turns into a first person point of view.  It is 1991, and the children of the neighborhood begin seeing and hearing the people of the past.

This book is available in paperback, Kindle, and will soon be on audiobook.

The McClusky Series: Book 1  Jane's Journey will be out May 1st

This series will follow each generation of the McClusky family as they immigrate from Ireland to America.  Jane's Journey opens with Jane and her toddler son boarding a ship to Philadelphia, leaving her husband behind.  She soon finds that she is pregnant, and that her American family expects her to work in a factory.  She faces many challenges in this heartbreaking tale.  This book has everything: forbidden love, murder, anguish, and more.

This book will be available May 1st as paperback, Kindle, and will be on audiobook this summer.

Published Author of paperbacks, ebooks, and soon audiobooks:

Goin' Postal: True Stories of a US Postal Worker
The Creek: Where Stories of the Past Come Alive
The McClusky Series: Jane's Journey
10 Shades of Blush: The Softer Side of Kink

Visit me on my blog:
Facebook: Rhoda D'Ettore 
Twitter: @rhodadettore

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