Friday, December 6, 2013

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Wrong Place Wrong Time (Thriller)
By Tilia Klebenov Jacobs
ISBN #978-0615805597
Linden Tree Press
400 Pages
Price $12.74
Rating 5-Stars

“Well Written. A Page Turner!”

The story had a slow start, and could have used a hook early on to catch the reader’s interest. However, once it does kick off we enjoy the ride. Tsara Adelman, a mother of two, is attending her uncle’s party, whom she hasn’t seen in 25 years. After the party she is in her room when two men come through the door. They are not dressed for the party, and she knows something is wrong. There is a short fight, and she is captured and carried off on horses with the men. She learns that she has been kidnapped to exchange for the son of one of the men, who is a prisoner of her uncle’s.

The main body of the book is the kidnappers holding her in the rugged mountainous country, while two crooked policemen are searching for her and the kidnappers. If they catch them, she will surely be murdered along with her captors.

This was a long story, but well written and kept my interest to the end. I felt that the author used way too much gutter language, and not just during stressful periods, but in every day life, including talks with a rabbi. The language would have had more impact if just used during the hostage situation, but with it thrown around everywhere it lost its punch. I’m not sure why today’s writers feel they need to pepper a story with gutter language. It left me wondering if the author’s family spoke like this in every day settings, or has the author just watched too many current movies where language makes the story? Regardless, it wasn’t needed. This is a better story than mere gutter language would imply, and personally I wish a lot of it had been left out. The readers will appreciate the protagonist, and even find sympathy for the kidnappers. I was also pleased with the handling of the FBI. They were not inept, and carried the investigation in a professional manner. Everything was done right, and the final rescue of the hostage was realistic. The author did her research, and we get a better story for it. Highly recommended.

Tom Johnson
Detective Mystery Stories

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