Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Nightscape Double Feature #2

Tales of Terror & Fabled Treasure A literary pulp extravaganza featuring mummified telepaths, ancient machine gods, world-destroying artifacts, undead pirates, voudon elementals and dream-powered treasure ships! The Divine Drowned by Josh Reynolds & David W. Edwards In exploring the underwater remnants of a lost Egyptian City, supernatural adventurer Nolin "Lancer" Quigg and his crew are blasted into an alternate dimension wracked by psychic war. Broken and scattered, the members of integrand General struggle to reunite and return home. Complicating their mission: a prophecy that not only exposes the terrible secret of Lancer's superhuman strength but signals the end of reality itself. Forever the Star Finder by Fianna I. Quigg The doomed South Pacific voyage that made Lancer half a daimon is chronicled at last! Compelled to help the voudon priestess Mama Paris access an interdimensional rift, Liam Quigg and family must contend with alien deathtraps, roving monsters and the return of a vengeful Captain Nemo. What legacy does Liam leave when he makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect his loved ones? Learn the startling truth in this intimate firsthand account.

Nightscape: Double Feature #2 (Fantasy Adventure)
By David W. Edwards and Josh Reynolds
Imperial Entertainment
ISBN #978-0989748758
Price $11.99 (Paperback)
240 Pages
Rating 4-Stars

As noted, this book contains two stories, a short novel & novelette. The Divine Drowned, the longer of the two works begins the adventure. We are introduced to Nolin “Lancer” Quigg and his team of adventurers. They enter the sea in submersibles in search of sunken islands and are separated by a White space and deposited in, perhaps, different dimensions where each meet a black woman guarded by baboon warriors. The story is well written, and the characters are interesting.

The second story, Forever The Star Finder, is shorter and continues the Quigg family story, as recorded by Fianna I Quigg.  It’s in a slightly different format, and includes illustrations.

Although well written, the characters didn’t pull me into the story, and I had no interest in the plot. Numerous monsters, other dimensions, supernatural elements, and wild adventure face the team. Enough material for several novels, but nothing I cared for. However, I think this book will appeal to fantasy readers everywhere. Highly recommended.

Tom Johnson

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