Monday, August 7, 2017

Manhattan Masquerade

Galen Slaughter and Joe Beringer are partners at the Greater Gotham Detective Agency. Although very different men in many ways, both are veterans of the World War who share a remarkable proficiency with fists and firearms. Their lives since the Armistice have been far from peaceful but the greatest challenge of all comes during the first fifteen days of 1933. At a time when the Depression is at its absolute worst they find themselves part of a small band of men and women tasked with protecting the unsuspecting millions of New York City from a mysterious new criminal organization. Outnumbered and out-gunned by gangsters and corrupted police officers alike, they must also contend with the bitter realization that even heroes have dark secrets.

Manhattan Masquerade (Mystery Thriller)
“Greater Gotham Detective Agency Book 1”
By Michael Howard
Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN # 978-1543158069
Price $15.99
638 Pages
Rating 5-Stars

“The Action Never Slows”

The New York underworld has a new crime mastermind calling himself Tanas Fericul (change the letters around and you get Satan Lucifer). Mobsters are disappearing, and the Mob is worried. Galen Slaughter of the Greater Gotham City Detective Agency is already working on the case for personal reasons. His partner, Joe Beringer is drawn into the case when Richard Whiting hires him to trail the beautiful heiress, Jessica Silverton. Then he discovers that his secretary, Betty Kern is secretly reporting to Whiting behind his back. And Linwood Hewitt’s Trans-Global Detective Agency also has agents working on the case.

This is a non-stop action thriller from the first page, and the action never slows down. It covers the first 15 days of January in 1933, and there is something going to happen on the last day. Not only is there a good mystery within the criminal element, there are things the detective agency wants kept hidden also. The story is steeped in foreign and national espionage.

The mysterious Wrath is back after years of silence, and could be a new person wearing strange costume. And who is the great American spy of WWI, known as The Peacemaker, and why is he involved. And if that wasn’t enough, the beautiful WWI spy known as R-1 is also involved some way. All right, I’m going out on a limb now. This has got to be the best new pulp novel for not only 2017, but possibly for the last decade. Not only is it a spy thriller, it is the shadow world of the 1930’s, and pulp heroes, all rolled into one. This novel should win all kinds of awards in the pulp community. Highly recommended.

Tom Johnson

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