Monday, July 3, 2017

The Good News

The Good News (Faith)
By Nelson Canha
Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN #978-1370301751
Price (Not None Yet)
55 Pages
Rating 5-Stars

“For Beginner Christians, And The Rest.”

This is an easy to read discussion for Christians to learn about being saved, and the Promise of Salvation. What we should know, and how we should walk in our new life as children of God. Biblical verses are credited, and we are encouraged to read them for ourselves, but the author explains the verses to us in a way we can understand, and tells us how we should begin our walk with Christ, and how to avoid the lies of the devil.

I really enjoyed reading the author’s words, as they were easy to understand and follow. I think that young Christians, as well as old timers, will get a Blessing from reading this book.  God hasn’t forgotten the world, the world has forgotten God, and we need to come back to Him before it’s too late. Highly recommended for Christians and non-believers alike. The message is the same. Come!

Tom Johnson



  1. Thank you Tom! I didn't expect such a great review. Be blessed!

  2. My pleasure, Nelson. It was an inspirational read.
