An alien presence, the
government’s greatest secret, directs the nations of the world into a brutal
confidential war. After taking the volks, an alien mother and off-spring into
captivity, it is soon uncovered that they are also from the future… as in 26
million years into the future. Follow Eddy, the child-volk, as he is raised in
undisclosed confinements. From his own words, discover how they travelled
across space and time. Other beings descend upon the earth in search of the
volks. They understand just how important volks really are. Eddy and his mother
plot a daring attempt to return to the world where they came from, but their
plan goes disastrously wrong. Well into his teens, Eddy finds out his twin
brother, Grizz, has survived through an independent organization. Their plans
were to train him to be their ultimate weapon. There are shocking consequences
to the actions wreaking havoc by these volk’s. Before they can escape earth or
die trying, they must endure, what they call, our nightmare world. The advanced
volk technologies and lifestyles captivate and challenge the human way of life,
but the implications unsurfaced the rampant wrath of the volks.

Volk (SF)
Book #1”
Robert A. Hunt
Publishing Platform
Solid Structure.”
Eddy and his
half-brother, Grizz, are in their insectoid rocket ship entering a far away
galaxy when they come upon a space station that looks abandoned. Landing, they
are immediately attacked by strange aliens. Eddy is a Volk, a species similar
to humans, but with some insect DNA. His half brother is part human and part
Volk. Both are good martial fighters; they carry Samurai swords and Shuriken
throwing stars. They are hacking away at the weird aliens, slicing body parts
off right and left, but we’re told the aliens are good, and it doesn’t matter,
all they have to do is put their body parts back on and they immediately attach
again. His half-brother is captured, and Eddy is hard pressed when he gets a
telepathic summons, and follows the voice to a planet below where he’s drawn to
a window. Inside is another Volk wearing a hood and robe – here I was waiting
for the figure to say something like, “Eddy, I am your father.” But the hooded
figure waves the attacking alien away, proving he is someone powerful on the
world, or just has magical powers. Whatever the case, the scene changes time
and space, and we are now with Eddy’s mother and father on their honeymoon in
their insectoid spaceship (I keep imagining a wasp with wings flapping). Eddy’s
father is curious about glowing spheres that show some kind of life, but he is
absorbed by one and disappears, possibly exploding and dies. It leaves Eddy’s
mother alone, and suddenly there’s a move in time and space, and his mother
finds her ship in 20th Century Earth’s atmosphere. Jet aircraft is
sent up to intercept her space ship, while there are flying saucers floating
around also. Eddy’s mother recognizes the UFO aliens, but it’s too early in the
time frame for them to recognize her species. There is an accident, and her
spacecraft crashes into a lake, but she has escaped. The flying saucer aliens
shoot a bean of light that burns her whole body. She finds a cabin and then
helicopters land and take her to a medical facility for treatment, and
scientific investigation, naturally. It appears these are American doctors.
Then she lays two eggs, one child is dead, but Eddy lives. Now baby Eddy takes
over narrative again while his body is still forming, telling about the medical
facilities and his mother. And that’s as far as I got in this novel.
I apologize to the
author. I saw this on Amazon, and the Blurb caught my interest, so I requested
a review copy. There isn’t much solid structure through the first eight
chapters, and the POV changes too often to grasp any kind of meaningful plot. I
was still confused at the end of Chapter 8, and I couldn’t force myself to
start Chapter 9, so I put the book away uncompleted. Evidently Eddy’s mother,
Gastonish (renamed Gail for more confusion) will mate with a human later in the
novel, giving Eddy a half-brother named Grizz. Now remember, though this female
appears human, she has insect DNA and lays eggs (with an umbilical cord?). I
studied biology in school, and this just doesn’t seem possible for human-insect
mating and childbirth. Nature may find a way in the reptile kingdom, and I am
familiar with the Platypus, but even the Bible says each to its own kind. The concept is good, so I’m giving the author
3 stars, but work is really needed on the structure and plot. I couldn’t get
through the book, but others might.
Tom Johnson