My Blog

Retirement. Publishers, thank you for the many years of reading pleasure you gave me, but all good things must come to an end. Due to failing eyesight I am forced to retire. I can no longer review your books, and any that you send will be donated to the local library, unread. Do not send any more. I can only read for a couple hours every day, and this does not allow me to finish a book in reasonable time. I will be devoting time to my own books from now on, and reading on a personal level. Books that interest me. I prefer paperbacks and hardbacks, not eBooks. My eyesight has been failing the last few years, and I cannot handle hundreds of review books any more. My books are still available for review. Anyone interested in reviewing any of them, they are found in the Link to Tom’s Books On Amazon. Contact me for pdf copies at

Monday, November 28, 2016

Near-Earth Object 2017AP

Calculations on newly discovered kilometer-size asteroid 2017AP predict that it will impact Earth within the year, dooming our planet. Astronomers begin to disappear one by one through mysterious deaths shielding the public from their dire predictions. Soon NASA, the NRO and Homeland Security secretly ramp up an emergency force to build a shield mission to divert the incoming object.
As the asteroid nears and its impact is imminent, discoverer Dr. Boots Brogan, realizes he has miscalculated the impact zone and the moon's orbit may interfere.
What happens next in this jaw-dropping, twisting tale of speculative fiction cannot be imagined. But it could happen. Are we alone in this universe or did our species originate elsewhere. You be the judge.

Near-Earth Object 2017AP (SF Thriller)
By John Paul Cater
Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN-13: 978-1536871012
264 Pages
Price $12.95
Rating 5-Stars

“A Fantastic Read For All Ages And Genders.”

Astronomer, Nathaniel “Boots” Brogan discovers a comet heading on a direct path to Earth. Its size indicates an ELE (Extinction Level Event). Recording the entry, he then reports the discovery to his supervisor who notifies NRO (National Reconnaissance Office - CIA). Boots mentions the discovery to a fella astronomer, then leaves. He’s expected in Texas for a new assignment, where Julian Winters is waiting at the airport for him. When he doesn’t show up, he is told that Boots was killed in a terrible accident. He makes a few inquiries, but something strange seems to be going on. The government has reclassified the comet as non-dangerous. Then Boots’ friend, Glen Franklin, dies in a violent accident, and Julian begins to suspect something is wrong.

The government kidnaps the three men, Boots, Glen Franklin, and Julian Winters, and confines them at a mysterious location, telling the world and their families that the men are dead. Meanwhile keeping the comet a secret while the government prepares options to change the course of the world-destroyer.

The first half of the book concerns the discovery and plans for the destruction of the comet. Unfortunately, the plans backfire. The rockets sitting on the ramps explode before they can be launched, and we can no longer change the course of the comet. Another rocket is prepared, one that will send a small group to Mars to start a colony, saving the human race from extinction. The rocket consists of four crewmembers and the three kidnapped astronomers. Luckily the comet impacts the moon instead of Earth, and basically the new rocket is no longer needed. However, satellite imagery shows anomalies on the dark side of the moon where the comet impacted, and it’s decided to send the crew to the moon to investigate.

Wow! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all of the stories by this author, but this is his best work yet. Every child or adult that ever looked through a telescope, or wanted to be an astronomer or astronaut will love this book. The author is a scientist, and knows what he is writing. He weaves his tale in a believable scenario, and we see the rioting and destruction caused by panic when the world thinks the comet is coming. Then we go with the scientists to the moon to discover even greater wonders. It is DESTINATION MOON, ROCKETSHIP XM, DEEP IMPACT, and even a part of WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE and WAR OF THE WORLDS, and more. Readers will not want to miss this wonderful read. Highly recommended.

Tom Johnson

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Damp Fedora

THE DAMP FEDORA introduces 1940’s detective Nelle Callahan, gal gumshoe with gumption, with a case that struts its stuff like the breeze off a good Narragansett sail. Brisk. Brash. Knowing where the wind’s coming from, and yet...wondering. Nelle’s job? Cut through some slick con’s shadow, lift a corner of chintz off the mist, let some truth shine in for the chippies and the chopper squad—you know—menfolk who measure themselves by how big their tommy guns really are. In this outing, Nelle finds herself helping a damp fedora wearing Harry—who’s not a Harry— Philadelphia Phillies first baseman Eddie Waitkus, MLB pitcher Paul Katcher and her OSS handler-agent, none other than former White Sox catcher Moe Berg.

The Damp Fedora (Noir Pulp)
By Kate Pilarcik
Down & Out Books
ISBN-13: 978-1943402410
Price $11.49
130 Pages
Rating 5-Stars

“A Bit of Slight of Hand.”

When we meet Nelle Callahan, she’s waiting in her office for a client when a fella walks in with a damp fedora on his head. Failing to give his name, he just says something is missing and wants her to find it. Well, Nelle says let’s cozy down to the Hill O’ Beans for a cup and Joe and discuss this case. From there things start happening and I do mean fast. Some mysterious fella is sitting in a back booth with a newspaper in front of his face, and Nelle tries to convince her new client to spill the beans – not the café’s beans, but his own. While this is going on a gangster walks in and demands protection money from the owner of the café/bar, but the owner tosses hot grease on him and Nelle shoots him in the leg. This is only for starters. Nelle makes an excuse to call a friend and the fella in the back booth attacks her – well, he lets her go real quick before she punches him out. He also has a case for her.

Well, any more and I’ll spoil the whole case for you. First, this is a fun novelette, written with humorous dialogue between fast action spurts. The author has a way with words that will make you smile, or even down right giggle a time or two. Nelle is an OSS agent, and being a private detective is a cover for other activities. In fact, this whole case could be labeled as one of her OSS cases, as the reader – or her clients – don’t see what’s coming before the cases are wrapped up. I found the story a lot of fun, especially the author’s writing. I was reminded a bit of an older pulp series character by the name of Dorrit Bly that appeared in the late 1940’s issues of DETECTIVE FICTION WEEKLY. Dorrit Bly was an ex Army G2 agent, and had a photographic memory and was highly intelligent. After the war she couldn’t get a license as a private detective, so had to do other things. She met a fumbling gentleman office worker who dreamed of being a detective, but didn’t have the mind for it, so Bly did the investigation using him as a front man and foil. She also was witty and solved the cases for her male counterpart. The author of the series was Frank Bunce. Nelle Callahan is in the same mold of the earlier series, and I think the reader, and especially pulp fans, will find Kate Pilarcik’s writing a delight. Highly recommended.

Tom Johnson


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Realms of Edenocht

Shazmpt has been prepared his whole life to complete the prophesy; however until recently, he was unaware of his true identity as a powerful war wizard. Hidden on an island in a time realm not his own, he must now search for ancient relics in order to stop the growing evil in the world. All he wanted was to hunt in his beloved forest, but is thrown into a world of sea serpents, dungeons, enchanted castles, miniature men, and air buffs. Driven by duty and hindered by self-doubt, he is sent on a quest to unite the magical realms once more. He must learn to harness his good and evil powers, but will he survive the shadow…?

Realm of Edenocht (YA/Fantasy/Action/Adventure)
By DS Johnson
Buck Flat Printing
ISBN # 978-1535076418
Price $12.99
292 Pages
Rating 5-Stars

“Magic, Swords, Talking Animals, Castles, and Little People, Oh My!”

Shaz wasn’t aware of the heavy task facing him until he was told of his mission. With his jaguar, Jagwyn, at his side he sets forth on a journey to find his own fate, and to fulfill the prophesy – “a boy-child would bring balance back to the world, and would possess all powers needed to correct the imbalance that greed and evil had wrecked on the world”. He must return to a homeland he doesn’t remember, while acquiring magic relics along the way, and learning his own abilities as a wizard. Joining him is the beautiful Lady Serin, a princess in her own right. He will gather others to his cause, but the task will not be easy, for the shadow magic is against him, and powerful foes wait in his path to victory. They will be plagued with dungeons and injuries, as well as death before the climax.

This is a marvelous fantasy tale by a new writer who builds her world with memorable characters, humorous dialogue, and wondrous adventure in a magical land of weird creatures and brave warriors, villainous kings, evil generals, and a beautiful princess. What else could the reader want? Highly recommended.

Tom Johnson
Author of THREE GO BACK  

Monday, November 21, 2016

Jason's Duty

Jason McGregor was a country boy raised on a horse ranch. His daddy taught him the meaning of family responsibility but that didn't teach him anything about the rules of love. In Jason's eyes it was all about the horses and keeping the McGregor Ranch going. When Haley Sheridan came to visit, Jason's world gets turned upside down. He could no longer see black and white anymore.
Haley Sheridan was far from home and lost without her father. Her emotions were all over the place. She only came to Montana out of duty to her mother. She didn’t understand how Mrs. McGregor took care of all the household chores from cooking, cleaning, and making sure her husband and sons were taken care. But when she looked at Jason there was something in his eyes that made her want to understand.
Could a cowboy love a city slicker? Or a city slicker love a cowboy? Neither one knew how to communicate what they really wanted. Come follow Jason and Haley in Book 1 of The McGregor Saga. See how two hearts can become one with enough faith.

Jason’s Duty (Romance)
By Alisha Guenzel
144 Pages
Price $0.99
Rating 5-Stars

Lindsey Sheridan and her daughter Haley visit the country from the city after the loss of Lindsey’s husband and Haley’s father died in an accident. They stay with Lindsey’s friends, at the McGregor’s horse ranch. The McGregors have three sons. Jason, the eldest son helps Haley adapt to country life, and teaches her how to care for the horses and chores around the farm, during which they argue a lot then fall in love.

A light romance, family oriented, no sex or profanity. This novel was well written, and kept my interest. There were some minor editing problems, but overall I really enjoyed the story. Highly recommended.

Ginger Johnson

Friday, November 11, 2016

Writers In The Modern Age

Marie Lavender’s Blog Post, Writing For The Modern Age: Friday, November 11th, visit Marie Lavender’s multi-author Blog Post, which includes Tom Johnson. I hope everyone will stop by and read about the authors participating in this event. Please leave Comments, as Marie and the authors will really, really appreciate any and all comments.