Friday, October 30, 2015

Sea Fangs

Bob Sherman has a strength of character and purpose that would make Spencer Tracy proud.  But signing on to the crew of the yacht Bonito, he’ll need every ounce of his strength and courage to overcome the forces arrayed against him—in Sea Fangs.
He’ll take on the forces of nature—a hurricane smashing into the boat off the Venezuelan coast.  He’ll stand up to the forces of ignorance—Bonito’s incompetent captain. He’ll defy the forces of corruption—the boat’s owner, who stripped him of his land years ago. And he’ll fight the forces of evil—a ruthless band of pirates who take all aboard, including the owner’s daughter, to the uncharted Island of Death.
His fate intertwined with a woman whose father stole everything he valued, Sherman is about to discover that there’s one force as powerful, unpredictable and dangerous as the sea itself . . . the force of a beautiful woman’s love.

Sea Fangs (Adventure)
By L. Ron Hubbard
ISBN 978-1592122509
Price $9.95
120 Pages
Rating 5-Stars

“ A Great Tale of Rough Seas and Pirates.”

Bob Sherman had lost everything to a greedy man, and then was held captive among a band of pirates. Escaping from the Island of Death, he made plans to regain what was taken from him, finding passage as a sailor on the Bonito, only to be thrown into a raging hurricane, then cast back on the shores of the Island of Death once more. But this time they have the woman he loves, and win or lose he’ll do anything to save her.

This was another great adventure tale from the imagination of L. Ron Hubbard, a writer who crossed many genres during his pulp career. This action yarn was originally published in the June 1934 issue of FIVE NOVELS. Highly recommended for anyone that loves a great action adventure yarn.

Tom Johnson

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