Thursday, October 15, 2015

An Impetuous Season

 Ruined by a youthful indiscretion, Verity Standiford travels from upper crust England to the wilds of Victoria, Kansas in time to see her rakehell brother being forced into marriage at the end of a shotgun. Until he meets Verity Seth Adamson has given up all hope of future happiness. But only a prairie fire can bring the two together.

An Impetuous Season (Western Historical Romance)
By Denise Domning
Amazon Kindle
Price $0.99
73 Pages
Rating 5-Stars

“The Kind of Story I Enjoy Reading.”

Oxfordshire, England, August 1873, Verity Standiford is left at the Alter once again. A fallen woman because her father had caught her with a man she thought loved her. However, her father paid him off, and he left. Now no man wants to marry a used woman, and at 29 she’s become a spinstress. Her brother had recently left for America, and her father suggest Verity take her mother to visit. She accepts, and when they arrive at her brother’s farm in Victoria, Kansas in late September, 1873, they find two men with shotguns at her brother’s door. It seems her brother has gotten 15-year-old Sarah Adamson pregnant, and her uncle and the justice of the peace are there to see the boy marries the girl. There’s an instant attraction between Seth Adamson and Verity, but this is no time for foolishness.

The main characters, Seth and Verity, are strong willed, and up to the task of seeing that things get done. It was a pleasure reading about strong characters, as that’s what it took to settle the West. The author is able to weave an interesting yarn about two people from different backgrounds, who find love while dealing with the harsh land. It was people like these that brought civilization to the West, not the gunfighters and saloon girls. People who picked up hoe and shovel when needed, and faced diversity. I think that’s what this story was about. Yes, it was about finding romance, but it had humor and drama, and danger. The kind of story I enjoy reading. Highly recommended to readers who like a good yarn with many facets.

Tom Johnson

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